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Johnny Ludvigsson

Johnny Ludvigsson

Professor Emeritus
Linkoping University


Johnny Ludvigsson, MD, PhD is a full Professor of Pediatrics, Linköping University. He performed the first immune intervention ever in T1D with plasmapheresis (BMJ 1983) which lead to the discovery of 64kD (Nature 1982), later shown to be GAD. He performed a number of different immune interventios both with GAD-alum (NEJM 2008, NEJM 2012) and AntiCD3 monoclonal antibodies (Lancet 2011). More than 430 scientific publications also on diabetic complications (NEJM 1994), and is the main tutor of >20 PhD students. He was the first pediatrician ever as Honorary member of EASD.

Research Interest

MC-insulin, Human insulin, Levemir, Novorapid, Humalog, Teplizumab, Diamyd